Unlock your full potential as a mom

and entrepreneur today!

Faith - Family - Business

Discover the Momprenista Life: Build your empire with GRACE, BALANCE motherhood and entrepreneurship with EASE, and CONFIDENTLY walk in your purpose. Embrace your calling, inspire others, and leave a LASTING LEGACY of change.




Learn to steward the gifts God gave you and build an empire that is aligned with His will for your life. It is my passion to help women discover their purpose and rise up into it. (Eph: 2:10) Your identity lies in far more than just being a wife, a mom, a business owner, etc. and when you allow yourself to become who God created you to be your family and your business will thrive.

This isn’t supposed to be overwhelming. You don’t have to feel pulled in all directions all of the time. God entrusted you with your family because He knew what you could provide for them. You can absolutely build an empire AND be an all-in mom & wife without pulling your hair out. Implement our strategies in your home and life to go from just surviving to thriving.

Grow and scale your life and business with PROVEN strategies used to lead hundreds of businesses to multiple 7, 8, and 9-figure earnings across 26 different industries. These are not theories. These are tried and true steps that will get you where you want to be.


Tune into my weekly podcast where faith meets hustle and motherhood thrives. Discover proven strategies for balancing business with motherhood, all while staying centered in Christ.

Let's go!

Work with Lori

If you want to grow your creative business online but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place! I’ll help you quit trading time for money and focus on boosting your revenue.

Crack the Momprensita C.O.D.E.

Crack the Momprenista C.O.D.E. is our free live event to help you get unstuck, understand how to relieve the overwhelm, and gain proven strategies to help scale your life and business. 

See, I believe that moms are meant to do more. I believe God carved your purpose into you and I believe He instilled an entrepreneurial gift in us all. However, the world that we live in doesn’t support this lifestyle for moms well and when you try to step into that purpose you are left flailing around looking for answers that no one seems to have. And, when they do find something it is typically from a man’s perspective and many times doesn’t align with biblical truths.

So, here we are with expert leadership from a team experienced at scaling businesses to multiple 7, 8 and 9-figures across more than 25 industries telling you how you can thrive at motherhood AND business.

Next Live Challenge starts April 14th!

C.O.D.E. Base Camp

In our signature program, the C.O.D.E. Base Camp, we cater to those who feel called to something more but are unsure of where to begin. We are skilled at helping to transform your ideas or divine talents into a thriving business. Discover your purpose, rise up into it, and learn how to generate income and build wealth with it. God did not put something on your heart for you to sit stale with it having no direction. And if you're here chances are He brought you here for a reason. Just sayin’.  Join us for step-by-step guidance from successful entrepreneurs who help you thrive in business and life as you step into your calling and learn how to generate income with it.

Next Cohort starting May 6th!

The Momprenista C.O.D.E. - Mastering the Art

of Growing Your Business While Leading Your Family

This is it. This is where we get deep. This transformative program is designed for six-figure entrepreneurs ready to scale up and streamline their hustle. We provide hands-on guidance to implement systems in your home and business, catering to the all-in mom with a passion for purposeful, Kingdom-impacting work. Our experienced team will help you transition from juggling every role to operating efficiently at the CEO level or beyond, potentially even exiting your business for more than you dreamed possible. If you're ready to grow, scale, and live the life of your dreams, the Momprenista C.O.D.E. is for you.

Next Cohort begins April 24th.

The Momprensita Life Elite Mastermind

A pinnacle experience for visionary entrepreneurs ready to soar beyond the limits of scaling. This exclusive mastermind is the next evolution for those who have mastered the Momprenista C.O.D.E. and are now seeking to amplify their impact and legacy. Engage in high-level strategy sessions, connect with a network of elite peers, and receive personalized mentorship to catapult your business to unprecedented heights. This is where industry leaders are born, where the synergy of collective brilliance unlocks exponential growth. If you're prepared to redefine the boundaries of success and step into a realm of unparalleled achievement, the Momprenista Elite Mastermind awaits you.

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